I'm back working with the half-marathon groups for fall races, so two runs/week will be with them. There are a couple of speedier people in the new group so theoretically I could get in some tempo runs at some point. However, I think I'll just stick to doing my workouts solo.
Monday: off
Tuesday: 4.25-mile interval run
Wednesday: 3-mile run with the group
Thursday: 6-mile trail run
Friday: off
Saturday: 5-mile run with the group
Sunday: 5k
There's talk of going to a gym tonight and signing up, so if so, hopefully I'll fit in some strength-training. This is a no-frills gym so it won't offer any yoga classes. If I want to do yoga, I have to make the effort.
I'm not really training for anything now. The speedy people in the group will likely be too speedy for me to run with during the fall half, so I'm not sure how that's going to shake out. I'm not sure if I'm going to try to PR the half again this year -- if I did, the Towpath half would probably be my pick, but it's a week after the Rock 'n' Roll race that I'm doing with the group.
I would really, really like a BIG PR in the Marine Corps 10k. I've run so few 10ks, and I think I'm capable of a sub-hour 10k now so I'm excited about the race. Plus I have friends doing the full marathon so it'll be fun to cheer them on after I finish.
So I guess I'm sorta speed training. I do want to get my mileage back up to 30/week -- and it'll get there -- but it's not priority. Getting faster is right now.
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