So it's been forever since I last posted. I've PRed a couple of races, changed jobs -- just in general, lived my life without documenting it. I don't know if that's good or bad, I think it just *is*. I did update the Races & Recaps page. I don't even know if it's worth recapping anything, but I did have two PRs: Cleveland Half-Marathon and the Irish Fest 5k.
The Cleveland race was about 3 minutes faster than the Athens race - I shaved off about 15 seconds per mile. I wasn't as consistent, but I had negative splits and finished fast (mile 13 was under 9 minutes).
The Irish Fest 5k was pretty amazing, really. Aaron paced me so I don't know if I can do it on my own. My previous PR (from 2012) was 28:30 so finishing in 26:44 was huge. I have another 5k this weekend, so I'm going to try to do that on my own.
Oddly summer hasn't brought as much running, riding or reading as it should. I started a new job the day after the Cleveland HM, and I'm adjusting. The commute is farther, I've lost my gym membership and I can't work out at lunch.
(Strength-training has been virtually non-existent since the beginning of May. I've done some half-hearted at-home routines. And yoga has been completely non-existent.)
I've actually gotten back to pre-work runs somewhat. They're so awful - just short, junk mileage - so last week, I forced myself to do hill repeats. They weren't actually that far off my normal pace for hill repeats. And then this morning, I forced myself into intervals. Whoa. Trying to go around my 5k pace or better for a quarter-mile was tough. I ended up doing a lot of walking in the recovery interval (.10 mile). But I did 10 intervals, and only two were slower than my 5k pace; the rest were well under it. So there. I can do a somewhat quality workout before work.
And that about sums up my running. May and June were sub-100 miles. Big time. I'm averaging 97.665 miles/month for the year, but I didn't even hit 80 for June though. I took 11 rest days in June and 12 in May. I haven't run longer than a 10k since the Cleveland HM.
This sad excuse for a post is all over the place, so I'm just going to end it now.
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