Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Working Out Thing

Now that it's Wednesday, it's the perfect time to write out my workout plans for the week, right?

But let's go back in time to last week, the week where I went to yoga once and did a single 6-mile run. It's been since the second week of January when I did so little, and I was sick then. Last week was just me being me and doing my thing. I could have fit in another run or two, and I could have done some ad-hoc strength-training. But let's move on.

Monday: six-mile run (check!)
Tuesday: yoga (check!)
Wednesday: five-mile run with the group
Thursday: four- to six-mile run, yoga or strength-training
Friday: rest or walk/hike
Saturday: nine-mile run with the group, I hope
Sunday: rest or recovery run

I'm still working on acclimating to the weather, and this week, the temps are brutal. Good prep for August's HM in Parkersburg!

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