It's Monday, so it's time to recap the last week in fitness:
Monday: weights
Tuesday: run 5 miles
Wednesday: run 5 miles
Thursday: weights and cross-training
Friday: rest
Saturday: run 9k
Sunday: run 13.1 miles
All in all, I ran about 28.5 miles last week - about 18.5 of that was on Saturday and Sunday. Which leads me to this week:
Monday: REST (much-much-needed)
Tuesday: run 4 miles, weights
Wednesday: run 6 miles
Thursday: weights, maybe a short run if there's time? This is a lunchtime workout so running then is difficult.
Friday: travel to rally
Saturday: rally, rally, rally
Sunday: run 8 miles (I hope - doing this will mean I am a runner!)
Yesterday's 13.1 miles were HARD after Saturday's race. It wasn't the best performance, but it does give me hope that I'll finish the half-marathon in 2:30.
I didn't push super-hard at Saturday's race (finished with under 10:30 miles so I'm happy with that). It was at the Cleveland Zoo, and it was kind of hilly. The hardest hill wasn't nearly as bad as everyone made it out to be. I didn't walk at all, so I'm happy with that. (Walking is something I want to write about, though.)
I have a busy week ahead of me, so the workouts are a little scattered. It's kind of a pre-taper week. After work on Thursday, we're heading down to Parkersburg for the night and then onto Durham Friday morning. It's almost time for the Bull City Rumble!
I will be taking the smallframe, but I won't be riding it this week - need to use the kickstarter as little as possible since we won't be able to change it before Durham. It's always something.
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