... from last week
What could serve as physical evidence that you sometimes lose focus?
All of the incomplete tasks or projects - partially written materials, partially cleaned dresser top, partially purged closet, etc.
What could serve as physical evidence that you are loved?
My leftovers from dinner show that Aaron loves me and knows that I don't care for deli sandwiches for lunch.
What could serve as physical evidence that you’re from wherever you’re from?
Judging from my Hello Kitty Ohio shirt and two Akron t-shirts, I must be more from Ohio than I am from West Virginia. I haven't lived in Ohio quite as long as I lived in West Virginia, but I guess spending college and so many years has identified me as an Ohioan (sp?). Weird.
What could serve as physical evidence that you went anywhere this past week?
The pain in my left ankle/shin indicates that I went running this week.
What could serve as physical evidence that you recently caved in to temptation?
My trash can and the Chick-fil-a wrapper.
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