Last week was a bad training week - only three runs and one strength-training session. At least those three runs added up to 22 miles. We had to change up our long run (again) this week for Mods vs. Rockers (recap coming), so we did the run on Saturday morning on the Towpath, starting at North Street. My pace was under 11:30 and I felt pretty good, so I'm happy with that. Oddly I started out really slow. I heard the watch beep at mile 3, and I was shocked when I saw 36 minutes. I picked it up then and managed to maintain - and even speed up at the end. Not quite negative splits, but the second half was definitely faster than the first. So I'm learning.
The tendon ache in my lower left leg is back (actually it was back after last Wednesday's run; I think it was the hill that woke it up), but semi-regular icing will keep it at bay. Plus, I'm taking two days off after Saturday's long run, so I'll be good for this week. (I tripped on Saturday night, and I was scared that I really aggravated it, but luckily that wasn't the case. I iced twice yesterday and shall ice once or twice tonight - and maybe even once during the day.)
So last week wasn't the best training week, but I am determined to make this week a good one though! (And how great is it that I consider four workouts NOT a good training week!)
Monday: Strength-training
Tuesday: Run 5 miles, yoga
Wednesday: Run 5 miles
Thursday: TBD - could be run 4, yoga or strength training
Friday: Rest or strength-training
Saturday: Race for Maggie's Place 9k
Sunday: Run 13 miles
I can do it!
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