Monday, June 27, 2011

Weekly plan

June is almost over, and as expected, the mileage hasn't been as high as previous months. I won't dwell - I'm doing okay for as busy as we've been.

I see this week as getting me back to normal with diet and exercise. We've been winging it with food a lot this month, which means I've been eating more poorly than usual. Today started off with an apple and sunflower butter - not a bad start!

Workout plan for the week:

Monday - run 4 miles, maybe a little upper-body work (I'm lame, decided to rest)
Tuesday - yoga
Wednesday - group run for 4 miles-ish (first tempo run, I think)
Thursday - strength training
Friday - run 3 miles
Saturday - off
Sunday - group run for 7 miles (finally making it to the group run! this'll be the farthest I've ever run - eek!)

Not a bad plan, and I can't see any reason that I won't do that. Nothing radical. Go me!

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