Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Slowing down?

So I was lazy and didn't run last night after work. I tried to tell myself it was because I had to change the spark plug in the Stella, but that took 10 minutes (including me struggling to get the damn cowl back on, I do not have enough eye-hand coordination). Then I tried to say it was because of laundry or cleaning, neither of which I did. (Actually, I put away some laundry and put in a load of whites, but that was much later.)

My penance: run this morning before work. The scheduled 3 miles turned into 4 miles because I was dragging - figured if I was going to be so damn slow, I should at least run a little farther. Admittedly, I'm a little concerned about my speed lately. EVERY run has been slow to some degree. I'm hoping that it's just because I've been eating poorly and not sleeping enough this month. If so, then I'm already fixing that. If not, then I don't know what to do aside from wallow. And I don't want to wallow.

Tomorrow night is group run night, and it's going to be the first of the tempo runs with the group. I'm curious to see how that works out since we're all at different levels. I hope the tempo runs help bust me out of my slow rut. I'm thinking about my goals for the half-marathon, and it seems, lately, like every run is telling me that I can't do the HM in 2:30.

I'm looking at my Daily Mile analytics and am really sad to see how slow I've been running. May was definitely quicker. Hopefully focusing on proper fueling will help me speed back up. Up next: yoga tonight! And then steaks ($25, local, grass-fed, way too expensive steaks) and corn for dinner.

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