Last night was the first run with the HM training group. It was 90 degrees, but I did okay. It was just a three-miler, and I did it fast (for me - and compared to everyone else in the group except for my speedy boyfriend). Despite doing my best to rehydrate, I still feel a little off today. My body hasn't acclimated to the heat, I guess. I'll get there.
I was a good girl and sunscreened up for last night's run, but I'm going to have to get some different sunscreen for sweating in. I transitioned over to the Burt's Bees sunscreen because, chemically, it's better for me, but I'm going to pick up a bottle of Coppertone Sport for running. The Burt's Bees didn't seem to really absorb, so when I was done, I was kind of white and slimy - not what anyone wants to see. The Coppertone Sport isn't too bad as far as chemicals go, and I know it won't leave me a slimy mess. So there you go.
We wanted to run this morning - when it was still nice; the weather's supposed to go to shit later today - but we were both spent this morning (spent or lazy? always the question). Hopefully we can fit in an easy three-miler after work, in between storms. The forecast now has the bad weather starting later, maybe that course will continue.
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