Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Last scooter rally of 2010


Pictures are coming soon (not sure why I haven't taken them off my camera yet, actually). As usual, I took next to no pictures on Friday, and when the Dance Off Pants Off became way too literal, the camera went away for good.

I was kind of hoping that this wouldn't be the last rally of 2010, but due to some rescheduling of other events, it looks like it is. So a two-month break and then Freeze Your Balls Off in January. And then, I'm hoping, the Cocoa Beach Rally in February. It's the annual British/American rally and is usually in Las Vegas. It seems silly to miss it when it's on the East coast, but it's still 17 hours away. We'll see.

Is it possible to make attending scooter rallies my job? Probably not.

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