Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Spring Recap

To catch up, I ran a lot of races, but none particularly well:
  • Shamrock 15k: I was pretty sick and just took it easy. 1:38:55, 10:38 pace
  • Flirt with Dirt 10k (trail): 1:08:07, 10:59 pace, 2nd AG
  • Athens Half-Marathon: So cold! 2:03:01, 9:23 pace
  • Glass City Half-Marathon: Solo run, hit a rough spot around mile 10. 2:04:48, 9:32 pace
  • Salt Fork Spring Challenge (10.4-mile trail run): Big improvement over previous year felt pretty good throughout. 2:08:20, 12:10 pace (last year was 2:21 or 2:22)
  • Cleveland Half-Marathon: Worst weather ever! 2:02:19, 9:20 pace
  • AkRUN & Crawl 5k: Night 5k that took place after a grueling 12-mile trail run. Short course. 25:15, 8:25 pace, 1st AG
  • Great Breweries 25k: Belgium! They had to reroute part of the course due to flooding, so it was even longer, about 15.75 miles. Super-hot and I was hungover. 3:24, 12:58 pace
Plus still running dogs once or twice a week. There, caught up. We went to Belgium last week (!!!), so I should recap that trip at some point. But mostly I use this to talk about my running, so let's talk. 

I registered for my first 50k (Conquer the Castle), and I am still not sure why. I haven't really wanted to do another marathon, I've been enjoying running trails more and I seem to like a summer challenge. On top of that, I also want to PR the 5k. I came close at the AkRUN & Crawl and that was AFTER running 12 miles on trails that morning. Seems possible. I am doing a 5k in a week and a half, and that should be a good baseline. I should be close to where I was when I last PRed. I'm hoping that through endurance and weekly 5k-focused workouts, I can PR the 5k later this summer -- BEFORE 50k training is in full force, probably. 

So this 50k is in November so I have time to train. My base right now isn't bad. I'm running mid-30s mostly (although last week was under 17 thanks to vacation). I'm trying to figure out my plan for the race, and I've ordered a first-time ultra book. I know I need to lean out and build up more strength, so let's see if I really do that. 

What I think about is that I'm good at preparing. I think about preparations for my marathon and for sub-2ing the half last year, and that gives me confidence that I can cover 31+ miles on trails without hating myself. Wish me luck!

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