Monday, July 20, 2015

Preview: Week 6 of Half-Marathon Training with Hansons

It's funny: I both look forward to training, and I fear it. I feel like I'm going into unchartered territory. I said to Aaron the other day that I feel like I'm working much harder during this training schedule than I did for marathon training last summer. It makes sense: I am more comfortable running long than I am running fast.

Onto this week: My mileage goes up to 44 miles. I have an Indians game on Thursday, so I have to switch up my training again.

  • Monday: 8 miles with 4x1200s at 8:21 to 8:42 pace & 600m rest (When this posts, I will likely just be finishing this workout! Given the heat, I'm curious to see how it goes. I've been struggling with my paces as well, so 1200 seems long!)
  • Tuesday: 6 miles, easy
  • Wednesday: 7 miles with 4 at 9:09
  • Thursday: 5 miles, easy
  • Friday: rest
  • Saturday: 12 miles, long
  • Sunday: 6 miles, easy

There's always the chance that Thursday and Friday will get flipped, but I am hoping to get in the 5 miles before work on Thursday.

I mentioned earlier how tired I am, and I'm hoping to take better care of myself this week, Wish me luck!

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