I tried anyhow.

When I got back to the house, the driveway was blocked and the neighbor's shit dogs were running down the street (again). I was so annoyed so I decided to drive over and check out the metropark in the neighborhood. It's not as trafficked as Sand Run so I thought the trails might be fresher (meaning: I thought they might not be as packed down so they wouldn't be a complete sheet of ice).
I was basically right. It was slow, slow going though. I think my third mile was in the 12s, but the rest of them were 14+. I ended up with 4.25 miles at a 14:29 pace. Not speedy by any means, but it was nice to be outside. It was in the low 20s, which is an improvement from some of the temps we've had recently.
I have a phone interview in the morning, so tomorrow's run will be after that. I'll do an hour or so on the treadmill -- some sort of speedwork as is my Tuesday tradition.
(And maybe someday, before I return to work full-time, I'll recap my marathon.)
Monday: 4.25 miles, trails, 1:01:34, 14:29 pace, Brooks PureFlow 2s, screwed.
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