I am totally failing with this blogging thing, but that's okay. I restarted it more in anticipation of marathon training, and since that hasn't started yet, I'm okay.
So Athens is Sunday. Earlier this winter, it became clear, I thought, that a sub-2 wasn't possible. Now, I go back and forth. I don't really feel that confident since I haven't run that fast very much. I can't imagine that a 9:09 pace for 13+ miles is realistic.
HOWEVER. I should be in shape to PR this race. My PR is 2:07:something, and I should be able to come in under 2:05.
But I'm going to try for the sub-2. I have no idea how I'm going to start out that fast and then hold on, but if I don't try, then I'll never know.
What's the worst thing that will happen? I crash and burn? Oh well - what's that really going to mean? I'll feel bad about myself, but I'll get over it.
I cut the mileage last week and this week. I'm at 19 miles right now:
Monday: 4 easy in the rain w/ the HM group
Tuesday: 5 (1 easy, 1 "fast" at 7:54, 1 easy, 2 w/ 5k group)
Wednesday: 5 easy w/ the HM group
Thursday: 5 quickly (but still slower than sub-2 pace) w/ CP
Friday: off
Saturday will be 3 easy with the 5k group, and Sunday is THE RACE. Wish me luck!
Also, note that I skipped pilates on Tuesday. After Sunday's 5-mile trail run, I came home and was immediately sick with a cold and/or allergies. Monday, I felt iffy, but still did the group run in the rain. Tuesday morning, I woke up super-early, sweating, so I skipped pilates and slept for another hour or so. I felt much better after that, and I now think I'm healthy.
Anyhow, I"m just prepping myself for the race - resting, eating carbs and hydrating. Hopefully I'll report back with good news.
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