- I miss my cat. A lot. I have to pick up her ashes on Saturday, and I will probably cry. A friend's cat died this week, and his Facebook post made me cry. I'm sensitive, extra-so right now.
- Running has picked up a bit, not surprisingly along with my cranky hamstring. I need to make an appointment with the sports chiro again. And follow his instructions better - kinda feel like I should do that before going back to him.
- I'm totally in a funk, and I'm not sure what to do to get out of it (running more has helped).
- I rode my smallframe a little last weekend. I need to do that more.
- I might ride the motorcycle to work tomorrow. It's been forever since I've ridden it, so I have to admit the highway trip to work isn't that appealing. The valley trip home sounds lovely though.
- There are moments in my life I wish I could just capture for eternity so that I could recreate them whenever I feel sad. Memories, pictures, etc., do not suffice.
- I need to make an appointment for Winston to get bloodwork done. Just in case.
- I need to get a dye job - the gray is becoming apparent again.
My funk is probably a combination of post-Dallas depression, post-rally depression and other things that make me down. Onward! Let's recap this week's workouts a little (last week was two sad runs so no use even talking about them):
- Monday: Rain led to a sad post-work treadmill run. 4.5 miles in 45 minutes, but I was supposed to do mile repeats. Instead my lazy ass did this: 11-minute warmup mile, 8:34-minute mile, walked quarter-mile for recovery, started second mile-repeat at 8:34 and then switched to 10-minute miles until I hit 45 minutes. (Or really, until Revenge was over.)
- Tuesday: Pre-work 4.1-mile run. Sluggish, but finished with the last mile under 10. And I even did some ab work that day.
- Wednesday: 2 miles before the group and 4 with the group. Steady, sub-hour run.
- Thursday: 3- to 5-mile run, easy, scheduled.
- Friday: off
- Saturday: 8 miles with the group, although Aaron wants to do at least 10 so we'll see.
- Sunday: most likely off, but we'll see
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