Monday, April 01, 2013

The Athens HM

With Saturday's endurance challenge over, it's time to shift focus to the Athens half-marathon in less than two weeks! To put it simply, I do not feel ready. My training plan was too aggressive, and while I didn't completely shelve it, it has ended up making me feel less-than-positive about my abilities. I probably should have adjusted better.

I can't believe I'm to Week 14 of the plan, though! I'll recap the entire plan later. For now, this is peak week. The plan calls for 36 miles, including a long run of 14 miles. My long run won't be 14 (I'll just do 10 with the group), and my midweek runs won't be as long.

Day The Plan My Plan
Monday Dist: 6 Mi @11:04 Strength + 6 miles, easy, w/ 30-second sprints every 5 minutes
Tuesday Dist: 5 Mi @11:04 Yoga + 2-3 miles easy
Wednesday 6 Mi, inc Warm; 3x1600 in 8:55 w/800 jogs; Cool Strength + 5 miles w/ the group
Thursday Dist: 5 Mi @11:04 4-6 miles, effort depends on Wed's run
Friday Off Strength
Saturday Dist: 14 Mi @11:04 10 miles with the group
Sunday Off 5-mile race
Total  36 miles 32-35 miles

Then next week, I'll taper. I'm already starting to look at the weather forecast. This week is looking awesome - hope it'll be similar for the race.

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