Let's do a quick weekend roundup before this week gets too out of hand.
Friday night: Aaron and I went to the gym after work. He lifted while I got my own fitness assessment and then walked a little on the treadmill. Secret: I am out of shape and the exercises to test my fitness ended up leaving me sore the next day. We stayed in Friday night because we had an early wakeup call on Saturday.
Saturday: We should have gotten up earlier, but we got up and were ready for our 11-mile run with just enough time before we had to meet someone. That was a fail -- the Towpath wasn't run-able so after 2.4 miles there, we went over to Sand Run for 6ish miles. 8.5 miles instead of 11. My pace was on target at least. We rushed home to get ready for the latest acquisition:
Yep, we bought another car -- a 2002 Jetta. It was a super deal and, obviously, Aaron knows these cars quite well. It's still shocking that we now have two German vehicles. Once Aaron gets it sorted out, it'll be nice to rack up fewer miles on the GTI.
As you can tell from the short sleeves, the weather was awesome on Saturday, so of course that meant for scooter riding! We pulled out the Sprint and the smallie for a quick jaunt to Kent. They're going to Durham this weekend, so it was nice to make sure that they were a-ok.
We couldn't stay too long (hello, Wild Earth Outfitters, where I have spent way too much money) because we had dinner plans with Aaron's dad at Bspot. I won't go into details about it because if you don't like Bspot, people think you're just being difficult. I think the restaurant is just being difficult and is overrated and overpriced. The food was decent (portion sizes were a little small for the cost), the beer list was good (nothing really unusual, but a nice mix... that was a little pricey, go figure) and the service was good (except for stupid rules like not being able to get anything as an appetizer). For my money, there are way better burgers (and I don't need a Michael Symon association to prove it). And the more I think about it, the less I like it. I can't imagine ever returning unless it's for the admittedly very good happy hour specials (that are over at 6 so obviously it's not likely that I'll ever check 'em out).
That reminds me, I should blog about the beer schools that The Rail does. (Their burgers are WAY better, btw.)
Afterward, Aaron and I caught the end of the Broncos-Ravens game <sad face> while having a microbrew at Cornerstone.
Sunday: There was talk of running, but the weather forecast said no. (We should have gone; the forecast was straight-up wrong.) Sleeping in was nice too. Then there was lunch at Earth Fare, followed by coffee, errands and whatnot. We ended the day with dinner at Baxter's (our third time there and it's getting better! AND, AND, AND! They have Hoppin' Frog's BORIS the Crusher ON TAP).
And then beer at Buffalo Wild Wings - Akron ($2 pints!).
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