Well, not much to say. Yesterday I got my top wisdom teeth removed, which was successful. I spent the day on the couch with kitties, DVD remote, water and meds. When I got home, I ate a pudding cup, drank some water (SO glorious - my mouth was seriously dried out thanks to the gauze), popped two Vicodin and then slept for 3 and a half hours. I woke up, made some boxed mashed potatoes, took some ibuprofen and wrapped some presents while watching a movie. But mostly I spent the day on the couch. I'm not really one to load up on Vicodin, although I will take one at bedtime.
I did enjoy a single Bells Java Stout last night before bed. So tasty, but it took me a long time to drink it. The carbonation tickled my throat so I had to drink slowly to avoid coughing. Ha.
Nothing exciting going on today. I'm a little chipmunk-cheeked, but not too bad. We got up, hit the post office and then hit Zoupworks in Kent for lunch. After picking up dessert (pie for others, vanilla ice cream for me), we're back at the house to pack up for the night. We're staying at Aaron's dad's tonight where I will watch others eat something delicious while I eat boxed mashed potatoes and swallow some boxed mac and cheese without chewing. Oh well - could be worse. (BTW, today's lunch was so nice - seemed so much more nutritious than yesterday's eats! Hope I got all remnants out of my mouth though.)
Tomorrow is Christmas at Aaron's aunt and uncle's house, so that should be good. I'm leery of chewing anything until the stitches dissolve, so we'll see what I manage to eat tomorrow. I'll be okay.
I don't need to be so obsessed with food anyhow.
I have next week off work! I imagine some cleaning, some laundry and lots of working out. We'll see how that goes. I should also do some shopping - my wardrobe is in serious trouble.
Oh, and I got a haircut Thursday night. A decent amount of hair is gone. Pics to come.
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