Tuesday, July 05, 2011


Looks like July will bring quite the increase in mileage. I think that means I need to be extra-focused on making sure I get in my cross-training (a LOT of yoga; strength-training, bicycle-riding). It's crazy - I can't believe I'm going to run 10 miles *at once* by the end of the month! But I am.

And what I'm going to have to do this fall is incorporate more yoga *on my own." See, I'm going to do some Girls on the Run coaching, and it will interfere with my regular class. A membership to YogaDownload.com might be in order.

Anyhow, this week:

  • Monday: Run 4 miles - check
  • Tuesday: Yoga
  • Wednesday: Run 5 miles with group
  • Thursday: Cross-train (weights, most likely)
  • Friday: Run 3 or 4 miles
  • Saturday: Off or weights or yoga (yoga would be a very good idea)
  • Sunday: Run 8 miles with group

Also, I hate eating apples the old-fashioned way. I need to buy another apple slicer, so I can have one at home and one at work.

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