Monday, September 13, 2010

Othy Memorial Ride - 57 Diner

Othy Memorial Ride - 57 Diner
Originally uploaded by adrienna

Yesterday was the memorial ride for our friend Tim who passed away way too early last month. The victim of a scooter accident, Tim was huge in the scooter community, and his death, as expected, has left a void. We tried to fill it with a long ride from Valley View to Alliance back to VV through Cuyahoga Falls.

Aaron and I had to peel off after lunch at Doug's Classic 57 Diner where Aaron had the best onion rings he's ever had (they were battered in a corn dog-like batter).

We're gearing up for this weekend's scooter rally: Zombie Prom Scoot-a-Que, thrown by the Columbus Cutters. Despite costumes, I'm sure it'll be a blast. Actually I don't mind the costumes at all; it's Aaron who HATES getting dressed up. But, but, but! I found the perfect prom dress. It's ridiculous, turquoise, flattering ... and there are sequins! I can't wait. I hope it doesn't get too bloody because I want to wear it for Halloween! We'll see.

I may or may not have the Primavera for the Que. Aaron replaced the clutch plates on Saturday, but there appears to be a fuel issue at higher RPMs. We're hoping a carb rebuild and shortening the fuel line will fix it. We're not sure if the carb clean will be enough. Oh well, worst case scenario is that I ride the Stella, and I still love my Stella!

Saturday, while Aaron was being the BEST BOYFRIEND IN THE WORLD, I ran errands (found the aforementioned prom dress) and did the Adam Run trail at Hampton Hills. I mostly walked it, but I really want to go back and run it (well, I probably won't run all of the stairs on the trail because I'll probably break my neck). Very good workout while also calming because of the surroundings.

Hampton Hills Metro Park

In other motorbike news, the motorcycle is still at the shop, but I really, really want to pick it up this week. Thursday's our only chance until next Tuesday. I'm afraid they're going to start charging me storage! I hope I get my insurance check soon because I am SO READY to start buying parts. Saturday night, we went out for Mexican and came home where ... I drank beer and surfed eBay looking at Speed Four parts.

That's just the kind of girl I am.

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