Goal: 39 miles, 9-mile workout (5 ins & outs, 9:10 and 9:40), 14-mile long run
Reality: 39.5 miles, no workout, 14-mile long run
In discussions with my coach-like person, we decided to skip the workouts and just run. So I did just that and will likely do that the next week as well.
How am I feeling? Tired. I need to spend a little more time caring for my body. More sleep, better fuel, lots of rolling and "restorative yoga" (legs up the wall/leg draining).
Monday: Easy Run
Distance: 5 miles
Time & Pace: 49:35 (9:55)
Shoes: Brooks PureFlow 2
I had intended to do a trail run, but when I got to the trailhead, I just wasn't feeling it. I swapped shoes and headed south on the towpath. I started feeling hungry, so after a mile, I turned around to go back to the car and grab a gel. Then I went north on the towpath and ended up on the trail for about a mile or so. Ultimately I ended up with 5 miles for the day, including a nice uphill to the trail.
I felt okay, not extraordinarily tired and not all that great either.
Distance: 4 miles (2 before, 2 w/ NoBo)
Time & Pace: NA
Shoes: New Balance 890
It was really hot and humid, so I was glad to just do 2 before the group. I was drenched in sweat and wishing I'd brought my handheld bottle for the run.
Wednesday: Easy Run
Distance: 5.25 miles
Time & Pace: 51:00 (9:42)
Shoes: Adidas Glide Boost
This should have been my workout for the week, but in conversations with my coach-like person, we decided to nix the workout for the week and just do the distance. I decided to split the distance so I could run at the pub run after work. It was raining like crazy so 9 miles before work wasn't going to happen anyhow. Luckily I was able to run sans rain. Overall, the 5.25 miles were decent, and I finished faster than I started.
Wednesday: Pub Run
Distance: 3.75
Time & Pace: 35:00 (9:20)
Shoes: Asics Gel Lyte
I feel like that pace is false because there are so many stops during the pub runs, but regardless, K and I ran it quickly. Felt good, although it was definitely a positive split run.
Thursday: off
Friday: Long Run
Distance: 14 miles
Time & Pace: 2:24:30 (10:19)
Shoes: Saucony Kinvara
Ah, this run. I met two friends for this run. One was doing 20 miles, and the other was doing 13. The person doing 20 ended up with 15. I did cover the 14 miles, but the last 4 to 4.5 miles were brutal. My pace fell off dramatically, and I ran/walked the last 2.5 miles. Not my greatest performance, but it was super-humid.
Saturday: 5k Training Group
Distance: 3 miles
Time & Pace: 45 minutes (15:00)
Shoes: New Balance 890
Pace doesn't matter for these runs. Typically, I run half of it and then run/walk the second half. We did the hill, which was a little bit of a shock for the group. It went relatively well though.
Sunday: Easy Run
Distance: 4 miles (w/ half-mile walk after)
Time & Pace: 39:00 (9:45)
Shoes: Brooks PureFlow 3
This was just an easy run from Aaron's dad's house. I ran into the nearby Metropark because I was wanted the shade. It was mid-afternoon after I'd eaten lunch and had a latte. I can't complain about my pace because it was just fine. I actually felt okay even though I was full and didn't bring any water. I ended with a half-mile walk afterward, which felt pretty good.
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