Monday, July 07, 2014

Almost Time...

I officially have less than 16 weeks until that silly marathon. My "coach" wants me doing a 14-week plan because my base is pretty solid. I'm not going to go through some boring recaps, but I barely 100 miles each for May and June (but I *did* hit 100). And I've been back in the gym a little more regularly. It's a good start.

Last week's training:

Monday: 4-mile trail run w/ a friend
Tuesday: 6 miles at the track (four 800s w/ 4:30 recovery)
Wednesday: upper body & abs + 1-mile walk; 3-mile run w/ group
Thursday: lower body; 3 quick miles before training group
Friday: off
Saturday: 13.4 miles
Sunday: 3.1 miles to the gym; full-body strength; 1-mile walk

So 34.5 miles for the week with a long run. I'm probably doing too many 3-milers, but I do kinda like them.

This week's tentative plan (for at least 30 miles):

Monday: trail run (4 miles)
Tuesday: track workout (6ish miles)
Wednesday: strength + easy run (3 miles)
Thursday: off
Friday: long run (10-12 miles)
Saturday: easy run (distance TBD)
Sunday: 5k race

Looking at that, I should probably boost the distance on Wednesday and really aim for at least 5 on Saturday. We have the half-marathon and 5k training groups that morning, and I know I'll be coaching the 5k group. Plus I want to be relatively rested for the 5k because my friend thinks I could place in my age group, so I don't want to screw that up :)

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