Given that this week's mileage was a second-highest ever and I had a tough six miles on Thursday, I was looking at the Run Cbus 10-Miler as a training run - and that's exactly what I got.
We ran with the group on Saturday for a short run (5 miles for us, while they continued on for 11) and then headed to Columbus to meet up with Aaron's cousin and his fiancee. His cousin conveniently lives in the same town where the 10-Miler was held, so it was perfect. We had a delicious dinner and a couple of beers at Barley's and were in bed around 11 or 11:30. While I probably didn't stretch enough on Saturday, I was pretty well-hydrated and not buzzed before bed.
The fact that his cousin lives in Gahanna was awesome on Sunday morning. The race started at 8, so we got up shortly before 7. It was great. Run Cbus is a pretty small race - <3 small races, right?! - so parking wasn't an issue. We warmed up and headed to the starting line. Luckily I saw my friend who was also doing the race.
Aaron and I started together, but he ran ahead pretty early on. He was feeling good and has the 1:38 time to prove it. Great job by Aaron. I think knowing that the second half of the course was "challenging" threw me off. I didn't know whether to just go for it on the first half and try to hold on during the second half. I held back.
The good things: My right hip bothered me during the first couple of miles, but after we got off Hamilton Road, the terrain and elevation varied more; my hip didn't really bother me again. The Camelbak was great - loved not stopping for water stops! I slowed to a walk when I was trying to get my Gu out of the backpack, but aside from that, I ran the entire time, even during the hills at the end. I don't think I was passed in the last 1.5 to 2 miles, and I passed a lot of people on the last uphill.
The bad things: My right heel hurt the entire race. I was feeling a little less than motivated. I should have fueled twice during the race.
All in all, a decent training run that was challenging. It was a great race, and I am looking forward to doing it next year.
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