Average Temp: not sure, cooler than July
Miles run: 104.5 (16 runs, 6.53 miles per run)
Runs missed: 2
Highest mileage week: 28.5 (last week)
Other workouts: 8
Yoga: 1.25 hours
Average pace: 11:00 (10 seconds faster than last month!)
Races: 1 - Race for Maggie's Place 9k (10:26 pace)
August is over, and I've ended with 104.5 miles running! Amazing. My speed increased a little, and I had a 5-mile run with a pace of under 10-minute per mile (overall, my shorter runs are getting more consistently under 10:30). Unfortunately, my other stats aren't quite so nice: exactly one yoga session and six strength workouts. Oh well, it's a new month, one that I've started off with a pre-work strength-training session. I considered running this morning, but after running two days in a row, I figured it's better to give myself a break.
But I hate that I won't have a run in September until Saturday! September's mileage won't be as great since I'll be tapering for the half (luckily the taper is the same time as my conference).
The half-marathon is coming up quickly - 10 days! Then I'll need to make a training program for the Towpath Half-Marathon (we're not 100% sure that we're doing that, though). I'll probably just repeat August. Then what, I don't know. I don't want to lose my endurance because it was so hard to get here.
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