Friday, August 05, 2011

Oh, Friday, I have missed you.

Oh, Friday, I have missed you. In fact, I thought you were here yesterday, and I was devastated when I realized my error.

This weekend, we are supposed to be going to Detroit for a rally, but we're staying home. It's probably better, although I am bummed to be missing out. Instead, we shall do motorcycle work and run 10 miles. (I am not-so-secretly hoping to win tickets to the local brews event. Winning them would be awesome because it would make it easier to not over-indulge.)

Also this weekend, I hope to obtain some - gulp - running shorts. My workout pants are too big and too heavy, even on shorter runs like this morning's 4-miler. I am even considering spending an exorbitant amount of money on Lululemon shorts. (The idea of a liner is weird to me too. So when I want to rewear them without washing them, I am doubled up? What do other people do?! I know most people - especially those who work out a lot - tend to wear their workout gear a couple of times before washing.)

I hate shorts.

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