Monday, February 21, 2011

Gearing up...

Happy President's Day! Thankfully, my company chose today as a floating holiday (finally! I hate not having a day off between New Year's and Memorial Day). I slept in, made some coffee and toast (under the boiler; I need a toaster), ate an orange, drank some self-made soda water and pomegranate juice. After this episode of True Life is done - and after I catch up on my blog reading - I think I'll straigten up a bit.

I was really hoping to do a long run OUTSIDE today, and I still will, I think. I am SO SICK of the treadmill. The weather's crappy, but I think it'll be better if I go outside. Maybe Sand Run? Looking at the hourly forecast, I think I'm good to go a little later when it's as warm as it's going to get and BEFORE the snow/rain is supposed to start back up.

So Saturday's 5k went okay. It was a little weird to go by myself, and I didn't see my friends there until after the race. I was a little disappointed in myself though. I never push myself enough, and it's so frustrating. I was hoping for 10-minute miles, but didn't quite make it. Mind over matter, right? I don't feel very strong mentally. The weather ended up relatively nice, except for the whipping wind. I skipped the post-run chili and headed for the gym for a killer strength workout.

We head to Cocoa Beach Wednesday night (sort of, we head to Parkersburg, Wednesday, and then down to FL early on Thursday). I am looking forward to some nicer weather, that's for sure! I'm also looking forward to riding my awesome smallie. I really hope I don't screw it up :)

These scooters and scooter rallies are expensive, though! We are trying to save money, so we ate at home last night. I made bourbon chicken. It turned out okay. The only problem I had is that I overcrowded the pan, so the chicken didn't brown enough. Tonight is a new chili recipe, and I'm really looking forward to that. I'm using brisket!

Time to straighten up, run, cook, etc. I love having days off!

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