Snazzy new jacket for Aaron.
Originally uploaded by adrienna
Christmas came early for Aaron this weekend in the form of this great Triumph jacket. Since I've been buying parts left and right, we've been keeping an eye on this jacket's price as it's been hanging out on the sale rack. At $239, I couldn't refuse it -- Merry Christmas, Aaron!
This weekend was great, actually. Friday, I had my gait analysis. The physical therapist was actually very complimentary of my gait, believe it or not. The only thing she could say is that I can work on being softer, which should help me increase my speed.
Afterward, we headed out to dinner at Geisen Haus. That's the only place I ever get ribs (crazy, huh?), but they are delicious. Ribs and hush puppies! Afterward, we picked up a six-pack of Holy Grail Ale and went home to watch the most horrendous movie. My girl crush on Kristen Bell cannot save When In Rome.
Saturday was filled with motorcycle purchases, scooter riding, Crafty Mart, hanging out with friends, etc. Fun, fun day.
And Sunday was my second 5k! It was untimed, but I had my Garmin with me, and I improved my pace -- 10:42 on my first 5k to 10:27 on this one. Yay me!
With that success in mind, I registered for the four-mile run on Thanksgiving. Wish me luck.
I also (finally) made a doctor's appointment. I've been sick since the beginning of October, and it's SO HARD to breathe at night. My lungs just feel full of crap. I don't know it's viral or bacterial or if I need a better expectorant at this point. Argh. Hard to run well when your lungs are yucky.
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